Why water efficiency in Scotland?

Have you ever wondered how much water we actually use on a day to day basis? How much water each one of us uses?

We are not talking about just the amount of water we put in our kettle to make a cup of tea, but the water we use to shower and bath with, wash our clothes, our cars and how many times we flush the toilet, the list goes on.

According to Waterwise, we use on average 150 litres of water a day. This is a figure that has grown by 1% every year since 1930. www.waterwise.org.uk

Water is a precious resource which needs to be managed and looked after.

You might wonder if Scotland has a water problem, as we do enjoy lots of water. The challenge for us is that whilst it rains a great deal in Scotland, it doesn’t always rain in the right place i.e. in our lochs and reservoirs. It needs to be captured, transported, cleaned and looked after before it comes out of our taps and cleans our clothes.

Another key issue is the link between water and our energy use.

According to Waterwise, up to 25% of our household energy bill comes from heating water.

For more energy information try also www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/scotland.